Welcome to Poetry Corner with Nando the Commando.
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Don't you just love it when you find a blast from the past in a book you haven't cracked open in years? Here is a brilliant piece that resonated with me as a teenager. I don't actually remember the source from which I copied it down. Maybe I saw it in a heavy metal rock magazine in the late 80s? Unfortunately, I do not know who the author, William, is, nor his last name. But I am certainly glad I saved it. I dug it back then and I still dig it today. I hope that William will eventually see and hear his own words. I hope he is living an incredible life.
... There it was... a dark building with no windows. Creepy bumps & appendages, moving in & out of the surface of all four walls. The same four walls that encase what we all hope turns into a huge force of orange light... that may burn holes in whatever gets in its way. The holes in our things that seem empty in life...
... Imagination, wrong or right. Black or white. Evil or good... means the same to me. Funny... how all of the feelings of a human can be matched with the most, ugly, sickest... monster that I can think of. It'll all change one day, nothing stays in one place, no tears, no funerals, but not always a glass of milk with cookies either...
... Some just wait & wait, till someone who has what it takes - power, money, sex, love, hunger, stupidity... or sense to open the box, the one that needs no key. "Doesn't make sense, but it works." Everything inside is wonderful & wicked, making enough sense for some to say I'm nuts or insane... but we have to be.
... Oh well. I'll wake up tomorrow anyway & take a breath of what I hope will not be too close to death.